No Attorney-Client Privilege Formed

Last Updated 6.13.2022




Welcome and thank you for your interest in, (“Website, Company”). We sincerely appreciate the opportunity to serve your needs.


Company’s Website and Principal Place of Business


No attorney-client privilege is intended or formed from any communication sent to or from the Website. No attorney-client privilege is intended or formed from any communication sent to or from the Company’s principal place of business by U.S. Mail, by courier, or otherwise. No communication in any form between you and the Company is an offer to represent you, nor is the communication intended to create an attorney‑client privilege. This includes the content of any unsolicited communication (e.g., email; attachment; text; phone call; 24/7 chat; and blog). A communication in any form between you and the Company “is intended” to be in the presence of a third party or read by a third party, in the presence of strangers or read by strangers, or made in a public place where you could be overheard; therefore, a communication to or from the Company in any form is not intended to create an attorney-client privilege.

Additionally, a communication to or from the Company is not for the purpose of providing you with an opinion on law, legal services, or assistance in some legal proceeding. Any communication to or from the Company will not be interpreted that you are/were seeking legal advice, nor will it be construed that legal advice was provided to you in any way whatsoever.

No assurance of the completeness, comprehensiveness, correctness, or currency of the information included in this website is given. The materials and information presented in this website are not legal advice and should not be relied upon or construed as legal advice. The information provided in this website does not create an attorney-client relationship.


Company’s Affiliates (Third Parties)


The act of sending an email to someone affiliated with the Company, or submitting information via an electronic or written form, does not create an attorney-client relationship.


Conflict of Interest


Furthermore, I cannot represent anyone unless I know that doing so would not be a conflict of interest or would require me to practice law in states or courts where I am not licensed to practice or give advice. Accordingly, please do not send me information about representing you in a potential legal matter unless you first cleared the matter with me. Any unsolicited communication without proper authorization may not be treated as privileged or confidential.


Website Links


Links to other resources on the Internet are provided as aids to help you identify and locate other Internet resources that may be of interest and are not intended to state or imply that I am affiliated or associated with, or that I am legally authorized to use any trade name, registered trademark, logo, legal or official seal, or copyrighted symbol that may be reflected in the links.