Steve Thompson, Esq


There are other attorneys that are also high-grade, airline pilot-flight engineers for hire.


Please note that I make no claim to being able to outshine another attorney, and/or high-grade, airline pilot-flight engineer in any way whatsoever. Before you give any thought to hire me, there are other attorneys that are also high-grade, airline pilot-flight engineers that possess “personal” specialized knowledge in the field of aviation like me, but note, they “may be extremely rare to find” in the United States.

Respectfully to their credit, if one is found, I have no doubt that they will do a great job: (1) as an aviation consultant to provide an airliner pilot point-of-view; or (2) as a formally qualified aviation expert to testify in the form of an opinion, or otherwise; and (3) if the airline pilot-flight engineer is also an attorney to provide a combined “airliner pilot point-of-view,” and “testify in the form of an opinion,” plus, provide a “legal point-of-view;” or (4) in the capacity of an attorney represent you meticulously.


My definition of high-grade, “personal” airline pilot-flight engineer with specialized knowledge means, “one” person (like me):


  • holds at least five valid, confirmable Federal Aviation Administration, FAA-issued certificates, all in good standing, such as a;

       (a) FAA Commercial Single & Multi Engine Land Instrument Airplane;

       (b) FAA Flight Engineer A-300 B4 Airbus (FE) & Flight Engineer Boeing 727 (FE);

       (c) FAA Flight Instructor (FI);

       (d) FAA Advanced Ground Instructor (AGI); and

       (e) FAA Airframe and Power Plant Mechanic (A&P); and


  • was employed (retired) as flight deck crew by a FAR Part 121 Scheduled Airline (14 C.F.R Part 121) which is the highest-level air carrier certification;

  • has been formally trained by air carriers, FAR Part 121 Scheduled Airline (14 C.F.R Part 121), in a full-motion, full-flight, six-axis, Airbus A300 B4-200, and Boeing 727 flight simulator for both initial and recurrent flight training to proficiency that legally permitted them to exercise the privileges under their FAA-issued certificates as flight deck crew;

  • have made real-life decisions during live-cockpit scenarios on airliners, world-wide, to support the skill, and experience level required to have high-grade, airline pilot-flight engineer specialized knowledge;

  • have been formally trained by air carriers in Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), e.g., turbojet aircraft cockpit checklists (e.g., Standard, Supplemental and Emergency Procedures);

  • have been formally trained by air carriers in Crew Resource Management (CRM) to manage the risks associated with the true nature of the challenges, influences, and pressures that a flight deck crew faces during live-flight to assure a safe and efficient operation, both inside and outside the cockpit, to further support the training, and education level required to demonstrate specialized competence;

  • have acquired in-depth knowledge of the constantly changing rules and regulations governing the complex civil aviation industry to legitimately exercise the privileges under their FAA-issued certificates; and

  • have substantial involvement in the field of aviation.

Note that the definition of high-grade does not mean general aviation experience.

An attorney who is also a high-grade, airline pilot-flight engineer like me that possesses “personal” specialized knowledge in the field of aviation may have a noteworthy advantage in an airplane crash case (e.g., a death sustained as a result of an airplane crash allegedly caused by pilot-error), especially during a formal hearing or trial when it counts. As it relates to pilot error, possessing this high-grade, specialized knowledge may be required to have immediately available to personally draw from to ask narrowly-tailored questions while examining a witness on the stand. It is an attorney that must react to think quickly on their feet to ask a witness specific questions. So, who better understands the complexities of pilot error than an attorney who is also a high-grade, airline pilot-flight engineer that possesses specialized knowledge.


Here, an attorney while on-the-spot, asking a witness questions, may have a significant advantage when they possess personal high-grade, specialized knowledge because they may not need to rely on others (aviation consultant, aviation expert) to provide them with specialized knowledge. An attorney who possesses high-grade, specialized knowledge is not likely learning to grasp the specialized knowledge for the first time during a critical time while examining a witness. Therefore, especially during formal witness examinations when it counts, an attorney who is also a high-grade, airline pilot-flight engineer like me that possesses specialized knowledge may have an advantage over the witness to think quickly on their feet to tailor specific questions to a witness that may lead to a game-changing result.